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You can use it with ice, to make it cool down,

You can flavor it up, as one swills it around,

You can sip it in quie,t so not to make much noise,

Returning to childhood, you're not playing with toys.


Drink it at home, from the world it's a wrench,

Slurp it in the park, where life's home is the bench.

Some do it for politeness or a thing they've not tried, 

I myself in honesty, for the effect once inside.


The clock it keeps on ticking, don't realize it's begun,

The voice it keeps on saying; "Yes just another one".

Suddenly without warning, your senses begin to slow,

You by now realize, what the other people know.


Fix your grin even wider, stiffen the body into a groove,

No matter how you try to look, the room, begins, to move.

It is about this time; depending on how much you've had,

That your soul can be made happy, perversely quite sad.


The reaction of the people around you, 

Can be a choice of two just the same,

They set you up for benefit of humor,

Or turn away with disgust and disdain.

Where do all your friends go, when you end up on the floor?

Gone, departed, ended; as they found you just a bore.


Lonely, lost, disjointed; there is a fever in your mind,

Wet, pissed up, unsightly, why is it you remain so blind?

Finally, when it's at it's most potent, you're there with jelly like airs,

The mind succumbs, stops turning. Your dreams now govern your cares.  


©Chris Matthews.



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