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The Gardener.


I walk through a garden, so wonderful and wild,

Find a place now, for my inner child?

As I try to pluck a flower, of my chosen hew,

All I hold,... are images of you.


Your face a picture, the camera my mind,

I'd see you still, even if I were blind.

Forever etched in my psyche, there is no compare,

My heart is open, my soul laid bare.


Blow on; the wind,...sower of seeds,

YOU are the gardener, shredding the weeds.

Your Winter is gone. Spring is now here,

The fruits may grow, in a field without fear!


From the soil to the growth of an old oak tree,

Roots take hold like my care for thee.

If planted and nurtured well with time,

maybe one day, I'll have the love of thine?


Can emotion blossom, if not watered from the start?

A nod,... a glance would really be smart....

Please allow me an insight, how you might feel,

So I may know now, if this enchantment is real....



©Chris Matthews 08/08/2014


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