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Seek the Light...

My Higher Power.


My Higher power is a combination of the past, present and future, that is 'Now'. My Higher Power is the spark of energy; 

An electrical force that binds everything in the universe.

It flows through my brain,

Is directed to all parts of my body and is in everything I can sense.

See, feel, touch.

I interact with my Higher Power through belief.

I ask that I may become stronger in that belief,

That I may fulfil a higher purpose in life.

I ask not for material wealth;

But for happiness, wisdom and the ability to help others.

I ask my Higher Power: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

Who am I? What is my purpose? Where am I going? When will I know I have obtained enlightenment? Why do I do the things I do?

For me communication with my Higher Power can be done entirely in the brain.

It needs no place of worship, no incense, holy water, bread or wine.

Seek and Ye shall find, knock and the door maybe opened to you.

There is only one mountain top to climb to, but many paths lead to the summit.

Is my Higher Power lonely? No!

For they gave themselves to create the universe and everything in it.

They are 'us' and we are 'them'.


©Chris Matthews.




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